The Journey into Aged Care is a Challenging and Emotional Time

Morrows’ Golden Rules for your Golden Years

Keep in mind the following information is General Advice and is obviously not personalised for your unique needs, objectives or financial situation. Please get in touch with your advisor before taking any action on the below points so they can advise on the appropriateness of this for you.


  1. Plan early – this is vital to ensuring that the process is easier and a less traumatic experience for all involved.
  2. Seek advice – the Aged Care system is incredibly complex. It is important to ensure that when planning for care that you have a solid understanding of not only the Aged Care System and the fees associated with it, but also the interaction with payments from Centrelink and the Department of Veteran Affairs.
  3. Analyse your options – reforms to the Aged Care System, which came into play on the 1st of July 2014, continue to undergo considerable changes. With the new system came increased flexibility and transparency and provides a number of options regarding the ability to fund the cost of care. The ability to negotiate fees, arranging a suitable fee payment structure and assess the impact on your cash flow are vital in making an informed decision regarding the cost of Aged Care.
  4. Make an informed decision – Once you have the right tools you will feel confident that you are making the best decision regarding the care for yourself and your family. Ultimately the decision to move to care is life altering and our team of specialists have extensive knowledge and first-hand experience. We welcome the opportunity to discuss planning for Aged Care with you.

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